
Kubrick Poetry‧ 四月之一‧ 顧彬談詩

時間 Time:2010/4/4 (Sun) 5:00pm-6:00pm

地點 Venue: 油麻地 Kubrick(next to Broadway Cinemathèque, 3 Public Square St.)

主持 Moderators:Florence Ng、Polly Ho、Wong Wai Yim

詩人來賓 Guest Poet: 沃爾夫岡·顧彬(Wolfgang Kubin)

沃爾夫岡·顧彬(Wolfgang Kubin),是德國漢學家、詩人和翻譯家,是中國以外最重要的漢學家之一。 顧彬擔任波恩大學的漢學系主任教授,亦同時擔任《袖珍漢學》和《東方‧方向》兩份重要德文漢學和亞洲文化雜誌的主編。研究領域以中國古典文學、現當代文學及中國思想史為主,他以翻譯現代中國散文和中國詩歌而在漢學界為人所知。他的《二十世紀中國文學史》(華東師范大學出版社)是他重要的中文著作之一。


Wolfgang Kubin is a German sinologist, poet and translator, one of the most important sinologists living outside China. He is the director of the University of Bonn’s for Institute of Chinese Studies, also the editor for both the influential Sinologist journal “Minima Sinica” and periodical journal “ Orientations”. His research areas includes classical Chinese literature, contemporary and modern literature and Chinese philosophy/ His translations of prose and poetry earn him a wider reputation among sinologists worldwide. “The History of Chinese Literature in 20th Century” published by Huadong Shifan Daxue in Shanghai is one of his major Chinese work.

Kubin will read his poems and talk about poetry with us. The readings will be in German, Chinese and English.


Kubrick Poetry • 十一月 • 「尋找你」之旅

  時間 Time:26/11/2023 ( 日 ) 3-4pm 地點  Venue : 油麻地 Kubrick電影中心一樓講廳 主持 Moderator: Polly Ho  詩人  Poet : 綠騎士,原名陳重馨 音樂家  Musician : Eugene Leung (...