
Kubrick Poetry • 十二月 • 南區山水

時間 Time2014/12/13 (Saturday)
第一節Session 1: 2:00-2:30pm
第二節Session 2: 3:25-3:55pm
地點 Venue 香港仔海濱公園   Aberdeen Promenade
主持 Moderators: Polly Ho & Atom Cheung
嘉賓 Guest: 飲江

大潭日出寧靜致遠,石澳水清沙媚,香港南區鬧中有靜,環山面海,地靈人傑。香港詩人梁秉鈞對香港情懷深厚,早年以詩歌書寫香港,寫物抒懷;台灣詩人和旅遊家劉克襄對香港情有獨鐘,穿林過村看香港山水,邂逅被忽略的灣徑村林;還有比利時國寶級詩人莫里斯卡雷姆斯Maurice Carême,時間﹑親情﹑愛情﹑死亡﹑世界與生活的思索成為他書寫的泉源。三位詩人來自不同時空和國家,因詩緣相聚,我們選取他們的詩篇與大眾朗誦,一起於午後感受南區的秋風送爽。

Kubrick Poetry 是一個非牟利文學團體,致力推廣詩歌欣賞和創作。自2006年成立以來,每月最後的星期日於油麻地Kubrick書店舉辦詩聚。過往曾邀請來自五湖四海,包括法國、德國、土耳其、埃及、台灣、澳門和香港本土詩人。我們相信詩歌是最能觸及人們心靈,讓想像力馳騁的載體。過往我們曾經製作木版畫卡,舉辦詩歌和攝影展覽,期望透過這些活動,融合不同文化及放眼國際,持守對詩歌的一團火苗。

Kubrick Poetry is a non-profit organisation. We have been holding monthly gatherings while promoting poetry to the community since 2006. Our events have featured Hong Kong and Asian poets, as well as literary luminaries from as far as France, Germany, Turkey, and Egypt. Recent large-scale events include the production of woodblock print cards in 2012 and a poetry-photography exhibition in the summer of 2014. We believe poetry is both a vehicle for self-expression and a capsule for the imagination.  We are an inclusive, international, and experimental collective, dedicated to the art of words.

Presented by Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation:

Kubrick Poetry @ Kowloon City Book Fair

Date: 30th November, 2014 (Sunday)
Time: 11:30am-7:00pm
Location: HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity (No. 135, Junction Road, Kowloon)
Stall No: 31 (2/F)

Kubrick Poetry Cards are available! They are creations of woodprint images by artist Wong Wai Yim. The images are inspired by poems from Agnes Lam (HK), Cyrus Wong (HK) & Doggku (Taiwan).

We have second-hand books, magazines & CDs, vintage T-shirts and dresses. Donations will go to charitable organization IRD (Institute for Integrated Rural Development) for educational and medical purposes.

Come and visit us! J

Kubrick Poetry @ 九龍城書節

日期:1130 (星期日)
地點:香港兆基創意書院 (九龍城聯合道135)
攤檔號碼:31 (二樓攤位)

Kubrick Poetry卡將於當天售賣,木板畫心意卡由藝術家黃懷琰製作,創作靈感源自詩歌,詩人包括林舜(香港)Cyrus Wong (香港) 古國萱 (台灣)

另外我們有舊書義賣,包括二手書,雜誌﹑音樂唱片﹑懷舊T-shirt和衣物。收入會捐贈慈善機構 沃土發展社作教育和醫療用途。


Kubrick Poetry • 十一月 • 「尋找你」之旅

  時間 Time:26/11/2023 ( 日 ) 3-4pm 地點  Venue : 油麻地 Kubrick電影中心一樓講廳 主持 Moderator: Polly Ho  詩人  Poet : 綠騎士,原名陳重馨 音樂家  Musician : Eugene Leung (...